Well! It's been awhile (I know) since I last updated my blog.. but here are 3 new drawings for your viewing enjoyment! I'll post a few more once I take pictures of my other new work :) Thanks!
These were all done with HB, 2B, 4B, and 6B pencils.

This is my first drawing for the semester. We had to draw 3 or more objects with shading.
This is my second assignment called "stuff a sac." So I took a sheet and wrapped up a pot, tequila bottle top, clear box, and piggy bank.. twisted the sheet all up and made it look nice.. and then nearly jumped off the balcony at least 3 times when I realized how much work I made for myself. Done in one week. Whooo me!
Our third assignment was called "kitchen drawer" or something like that.. basically we had to draw a bunch of random stuff. I stuck with art supplies and this is what I came up with!